ELASA for Dengue Detection

Cheaper system with no batch-to-batch variation associated with aptamer
1) Academia: Prototype is envisaged to be one of the steps in galvanizing the universal move to educate and proselytize on the application of aptamers in diagnostics
2) Economy: Aptamers are cheaper compared to antibodies. Integrating aptamers into lateral flow assays as the surrogates of the traditional antibodies as a whole would minimize the overall cost of production
3) Industry: The kit could provide revenues that can be benefitted by the kit developers, distributors or even sales individuals.
4) Community: To promote the usage of aptamer-based system among the community based on the advantages of the aptamers
5) Environment: The application of aptamers as a non-harmful element in ELISA
1) Dengue infection is prevalent in Asian countries, contributing to 70% of the global burden
2) Specifically, ASEAN countries have reported an increase of 46% in dengue cases from 2015 to 2019
3) In Malaysia alone- more 200% increase in 2023
1) For better disease management, rapid diagnostics are needed (Direct Detection)
2) Direct detection of NS1 is based on the usage of antibodies
3) Molecular Recognition Element: Aptamers
1) Aptamer can be synthesized at a large scale at a much cheaper price as compared to antibodies
2) Aptamers show no batch-to-batch